Subject Area

Theology/Religious Education, Music


The United States of America is growing more diverse, and its houses of worship are embracing this diversity to engage congregants and build membership. There is a tool to help worshiping communities to espouse diversity of cultures, namely Liturgical Inculturation. Liturgical inculturation, as defined by Anscar Chupungco, is the process whereby the texts and rites used in worship by the local church are so inserted in the framework of culture, that they absorb its thought, language, and ritual patterns. Incorporating the goals and functions of liturgical inculturation, worshiping communities can begin to re-evangelize themselves and celebrate unity through diversity.

This document provides a framework of liturgical inculturation through the lens of the Mosaic Liturgy for a Roman Catholic Mass. The mosaic liturgy exhibits bits of various cultural traditions in the structure of the single rite. The three cultural groups that are the basis for this study are European Americans, Latinxs, and Francophone Africans. Spirituality and inculturation of Latinxs and Francophone Africans are discussed at length to educate the reader. To show how the mosaic liturgy works, two different Masses where the mosaic liturgy is applied are examined from the planning process through the execution of the Masses. In addition, two Roman Catholic parishes that have vibrant Hispanic and Francophone African communities are profiled to show churches that already use the mosaic liturgy.

Degree Date

Spring 5-11-2024

Document Type


Degree Name



Pastoral Music


Marcell Silva Steuernagel

Second Advisor

Mark W. Stamm

Third Advisor

Gail Hartin

Number of Pages




Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
