Subject Area

Music, Religion, Theology/Religious Education


The United Methodist Church has seen a decline in membership for many decades. Accompanying this numeric decline has been a decline in the vitality of worship in many churches. This denomination traces its roots to a renewal movement in the Church of England, led by John and Charles Wesley, which spread across the Atlantic and took hold in the American colonies, where it soon became a separate church. This new church was characterized by lively and Spirit-filled worship and exponential growth. This thesis explores and analyzes the theology of the Wesley brothers and the Wesleyan movement, the history of that movement as it developed into a new denomination in colonial America and the United States, the worship practices that emerged with that history, and the music that inspired that worship. That analysis is applied to a modern worship context with new musical expressions of Wesleyan ideas and practical application of the core of Wesleyan theology and practice.

Degree Date

Spring 5-14-2022

Document Type


Degree Name



Pastoral Music


Dr. C. Michael Hawn

Second Advisor

Dr. Elaine A. Heath

Third Advisor

Rev. Samuel Yun


Wesley, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, worship, contemporary worship, contemporary worship music, CWM, CCM, progressive worship, inclusive worship, inclusive singing, Methodist, United Methodist, United Methodist worship, means of grace, new worship music, Los Altos United Methodist Church, worship renewal

Number of Pages




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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

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