Faculty Journal Articles and Book Chapters

The SMU Law faculty features numerous recipients of university-wide teaching and research awards, as well as national and international awards and distinctions. This collection includes full-text downloads, where possible, of the scholarly articles and book chapters authored by SMU faculty. Where full-text is not available, links to publisher information or library availability are provided.


Scholarship from 2007

Law, Culture and Economic Development: The Provision of Banking and Financial Services in the FTAA Area: Rationalizing and Divergent Cultures of Negotiation, Joseph J. Norton
18 European Business Law Review 265 (2007)


Law, Social Justice, Economic Development, and Modern Banking Sector Legal Reform: Taking in the 'Excluded', Joseph J. Norton
8 Studies in International, Financial, Economic, and Technology Law 192 (2007)


In Honour of Roberto MacLean - A Man of All Reason, C. Paul Rogers III.
8 Studies in International Financial, Economic, and Technology Law xiii (2007)


Jack Mylan - An Appreciation for a Job Well Done, C. Paul Rogers III


Can the IRS Silence Religious Organizations, Meghan J. Ryan
40 Indiana Law Review 73 (2007)


Does Stare Decisis Apply in the Eighth Amendment Death Penalty Context, Meghan J. Ryan
85 North Carolina Law Review 847 (2007)


Tenant Stories: Obstacles and Challenges Facing Tenants Today, Mary B. Spector
40 John Marshall Law Review 407 (2007)


The Corporate/Securities Attorney as a 'Moving Target' - Client Fraud Dilemmas, Marc I. Steinberg


Enron: Navigating the Civil Side of the Corporate Case of the Century, Diane Sumoski
American Bar Association, Section of Litigation Annual Conference (2007)


Gambling and the Law in the Nineteenth Century South: Evidence from Nacogdoches County, Texas, 1838-1839, Joshua C. Tate
15 Journal of Southern Legal History 131 (2007)


Gambling, Commodity Speculation, and the 'Victorian Compromise', Joshua C. Tate
19 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 97 (2007)


Transnational Networks and International Criminal Justice, Jenia I. Turner
105 Michigan Law Review 985 (2007)

Scholarship from 2006


Applying the Laws of Logic to the Logic of Laws, Hillel J. Bavli
33 Fordham Urban Law Journal 937 (2006)


Unanimously Wrong, Dale Carpenter
2005-2006 Cato Supreme Court Review 217 (2006)


The Legal Limits of Universal Jurisdiction, Anthony J. Colangelo
47 Virginia Journal of International Law 149 (2006)

Crime and Parenthood: The Uneasy Case for Prosecution of Negligent Parents, Jennifer M. Collins
100 Northwestern University Law Review 807 (2006)


Valuation in Cost-Benefit Analysis: Choosing between Offer Prices and Asking Prices as the Appropriate Measure of Willingness to Pay, Gregory S. Crespi
39 John Marshall Law Review 429 (2006)


Still Mortgaging the American Dream: Predatory Lending, Preemption, and Federally Supported Lenders, Julia Patterson Forrester Rogers
74 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1303 (2006)


Family Boundaries: Third-Party Rights and Obligations with Respect to Children, Joanna L. Grossman
40 Family Law Quarterly 1 (2006)


Tax Theories and Tax Reform, Christopher H. Hanna


The Magic in the Tax Legislative Process, Christopher H. Hanna


The Search for the Rule of Law in Russia, Jeffrey D. Kahn
37 Georgetown Journal of International and Comparative Law 353 (2006)


Getting Political with Science, Thomas Wm. Mayo
13 SMU Research Magazine 21 (2006)


Managing and Reporting Community Incidents: Ethical Considerations, Thomas Wm. Mayo
25 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 937 (2006)


Cheating the Constitution, Pamela R. Metzger
59 Vanderbilt Law Review 475 (2006)


An Interim Filling the Gap in Multilateral, Regional, and Domestic Hard Law Deficiencies, Respecting Financial Services Integration within the Americas, Joseph J. Norton
12 Law and Business Review of the Americas 153 (2006)


Introductory Statement, Joseph J. Norton
12 Law and Business Review of the Americas 439 (2006)


Introduction: Insider Trading (PLI 2d ed. 2006), Marc I. Steinberg and William K.S. Wang
Insider Trading (2006)


Conditional Love: Incentive Trusts and the Inflexibility Problem, Joshua C. Tate
41 Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal 445 (2006)


Ownership and Possession in the Early Common Law, Joshua C. Tate


Designer Trials, Elizabeth G. Thornburg
2006 Journal of Dispute Resolution 181 (2006)


Just Say 'No Fishing': The Lure of Metaphor, Elizabeth G. Thornburg
40 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 1 (2006)


Judicial Participation in Plea Negotiations: A Comparative View, Jenia I. Turner
54 American Journal of Comparative Law 199 (2006)


The Food and Drug Administration's Evolving Regulation of Press Releases: Limits and Challenges, William W. Vodra, Nathan Cortez, and David E. Korn
61 Food and Drug Law Journal 623 (2006)


Developments in Private International Law: Facilitating Cross-border Transactions and Dispute Resolution, Peter Winship and Louise Ellen Teitz
40 The International Lawyer 505 (2006)

Scholarship from 2005


A Model of Abstract Cooperation in Games of Uncertainty, Hillel J. Bavli
32 Fordham Urban Law Journal 831 (2005)


Panel Discussion I, Scott Brister, Justice Nathan L. Hecht, William V. Dorsaneo III, and Mike Hatchell
47 South Texas Law Review 367 (2005)


Bad Arguments Against Gay Marriage, Dale Carpenter
7 Florida Coastal Law Review 181 (2005)


Is the Solomon Amendment Unconstitutional, Dale Carpenter
2005-2006 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 143 (2005)


The Value of Institutions and the Values of Free Speech, Dale Carpenter
89 Minnesota Law Review 1407 (2005)


The New Universal Jurisdiction: In Absentia Signaling Over Clearly Defined Crimes, Anthony J. Colangelo
36 Georgetown Journal of International Law 537 (2005)


The Unitary Executive in the Modern Era, 1945-2004, Anthony J. Colangelo, Christopher S. Yoo, and Steven G. Calabresi
90 Iowa Law Review 601 (2005)


Evolving Standards of Evidentiary Review: Revising the Scope of Review, William V. Dorsaneo III
47 South Texas Law Review 225 (2005)


Beyond Tinkering: Economics after Behavioral Economics, Stephen E. Ellis and Grant M. Hayden


Medical Futility in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Hope for a Resolution, Robert L. Fine, Jonathan M. Whitfield, Barbara L. Carr, and Thomas Wm. Mayo
116 Pediatrics 1219 (2005)


Resurrecting Comity: Revisiting the Problem of Non-Uniform Marriage Laws, Joanna L. Grossman
84 Oregon Law Review 43 (2005)


From Gregory to Enron: The Too Perfect Theory and Tax Law, Christopher H. Hanna
24 Virginia Tax Review 737 (2005)


Refocusing on Race, Grant M. Hayden
73 George Washington Law Review 1254 (2005)


The Supreme Court and Voting Rights: A More Complete Exit Strategy, Grant M. Hayden
83 North Carolina Law Review 949 (2005)


Working Together: How Workplace Bonds Strengthen a Diverse Democracy, Grant M. Hayden
Regional Labor Review (2005)