Content Posted in 2025
Accommodating Religion After Groff, Charles A. Sullivan
A Critique of the Current Epidemic in our Criminal Justice System: “Guilty Until Proven Innocent”, Jaclyn Marsh
A Tale of Two Sams: Effective Altruism’s Threat to the Security of Emerging Technology, Mackenzie Young
At Least Make it Adequate: The Constitution Should Better Protect Public Education, Cristina J. Mauldin
Bankruptcy & Commercial Law, Sally McDonald Henry
Bond Valuation Dispersion and ETF Creation, Alan Guoming Huang, Russ Wermers, Jinming Xue, and Xing (Alex) Zhou
Breakout Session A, SMU
Breakout Session B, SMU
Breakout Session C, SMU
Breakout Session D, SMU
Can This Class Be Saved? The ‘Hobby Lobby’ Public School Bible Curriculum, Mark Chancey
Check in / Coffee / “Artifacts of Human Trafficking” Exhibit, SMU
Check in / Coffee / “Artifacts of Human Trafficking” Exhibit, SMU
Choosing Your Judge, Alexander Gouzoules
Civil Procedure: Pre-Trial & Trial, Amanda Sotak, Don Colleluori, and Andrew C. Whitaker
Closing Session / Grab-and-Go Snacks, SMU
Computers, Credit, and Human Dignity, Jonathan Weinberg
Death is Disparate, Jesse Cheng
Defense Use of Digital Discovery in Criminal Cases: A Quantitative Analysis, Michael Braun, Ronald F. Wright, and Jenia Iontcheva Turner
Dissecting the Frog: How a Meme Explains the Westlaw/Lexis and Generational Divide, Sam Williams
Enforcing International Law in an Era of Decentralized Entities, Carla L. Reyes
Enhancing Law Review Impact, Jeffrey A. Parness
Extraterrestrial Accountability: Applying the Stakeholder Management Approach in Space Mining, Monika U. Ehrman
Forging the Future of Business Education: Rigor, Relevance, and Impact in a Changing World, Shane Goodwin, PhD
Franchise Law, Deborah S. Coldwell, Kristina Pierre-Louis, Sam Mallick, Wilson Miller, and Chris Hamborsky
Generative AI in the Attorney-Client Relationship: An Exercise in Critical Revision and Client Management, Michael L. Smith
Ghost-Hunting in Al and the Law, Meghan J. Ryan
Green and Proud: Protecting the Antiquities Act as a Means of Fighting Climate Change and Promoting American Patriotism, Cameron King
If Held Holds: Held v. Montana and the Future of Constitutional Environmental Litigation, Leonora Owsley
Information Acquisition By Mutual Fund Investors: Evidence from Stock Trading Suspensions, Clemens Sialm and David X Xu
Innovation Highlight, TBD
Innovation Highlight, TBD
Innovation Highlight, TBD
Innovation Highlight, TBD
Insurance Law, J. Price Collins, Janet Tolbert, and Ashley Gilmore
Internet Appendix to: The Road to False Positives: Sample Selection and Specification Choice in Randomized and Natural Experiments, Bernard S. Black, Hemang Desai, Kate Litvak, and Woongsun Yoo
Jóvenes y Memoria: Conflict and Vitality in Education for Human Rights, Bryan Harriss Jones
Keynote Presentation, TBD
Keynote Presentation, TBD
Law’s Detrimental Reliance on Intermediaries, Carla L. Reyes
Make America Healthy: Reducing High Pharmaceutical Prices Without Reducing Innovation, Srividhya Ragavan
Neither Here Nor There: Redefining “Presence” for a Virtual Criminal Justice System, Brandon M. Draper
Networking Lunch, SMU Catering
Networking Lunch, SMU Catering
Oil, Gas, & Mineral Law, Austin W. Brister
On Snow's Intellectual Property and Immorality, David O. Taylor
Opportunity to visit Bush Presidential Center, George W. Bush Presidential Center
Opportunity to visit Bush Presidential Center, George W. Bush Presidential Center
Partnership Law, Troy Christensen, Jeff Dorrill, Matthew Schindel, Madeline Ballard, and James Barnett
Patient Autonomy & Bioethics, Thoman Wm. Mayo
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Presentation, TBD
Procedural Innovation, the Rule of Law, and Civil Rights Justice, Elizabeth Lee Thompson
Professional Liability, Shelby Taylor, R. Max Ward, and Josh Sherman
Reading, Writing & Religion: Texas Public School Bible Courses in 2011-12, Mark Chancey
Real Property, J. Richard White and Amanda Grainger
Regulating uterus transplantation: the United States, Valarie Blake and Seema Mohapatra
Repurposing the Land of an East Los Angeles Church: The Discovery of How Small and Medium Sized Churches through Affordable Housing Can Combat Homelessness while Revitalizing its Nonprofit Status, Donald Cook and Donald Ray Cook II
Retail Limit Orders, Amber Anand, Mehrdad Samadi, Jonathan S. Sokobin, and Kumar Venkataraman
Social Media and Social Reform: Why States Should Consider Protecting the Rising Kidfluencers, Rina Wong
Solar Eclipses and the Law, Chad Marzen and Michael Conklin
Solving the Public Defense Crisis in Kansas, Malia N. Brink and Pamela R. Metzger
Stereotypes as Character Evidence, Hillel J. Bavli
Strategic Choices for Matching Platforms, Amit Basu, Sreekumar R. Bhaskaran, and Rajiv Mukherjee
Survey of Recent Mandamus Decisions of the Texas Supreme Court, Douglas S. Lang
Tailoring Biometric Innovation to Privacy Law in the Retail Industry, Bailey White
The Bible and Public Schools: Report on the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools (NCBCPS), Mark Chancey
The Bible and the Curriculum of American Public Schools (K-12) in the Twenty-First Century, Mark Chancey
The Changing Face and Increasingly Targeted Tool of State Interlocutory Appeals, Elizabeth Lee Thompson
The Emerging Crime of Persecution Based on Sexual Orientation, Anthony J. Colangelo
The Lone Star Docket: How the Texas Business Court Will Shape the Corporate Landscape, Shane Goodwin, PhD
The Options-Inferred Equity Premium and the Slippery Slope of The Negative Correlation Condition, Gurdip Bakshi, John Crosby, Xiaohui Gao, and Jinming Xue
The Problem of Purpose in Corporate Law, Grant M. Hayden and Matthew T. Bodie
The Road to False Positives: Sample Selection and Specification Choice in Randomized and Natural Experiments, Bernard S. Black, Hemang Desai, Kate Litvak, and Woongsun Yoo
The Texas Electorate's Views of Health Care as a Human Right, Community Health Centers, and Certain Matters of the Health Care Safety Net, Scott Elphingstone
The War[hol] Between Artistic Creativity and Commercial Use within the Fair Use Defense, Morgan Houghtlin
To The Dark Boundary: Holocaust Poetry as Testimony and Message, Gabriel Shapiro
Understanding Criminal Justice Innovations, Meghan J. Ryan
Undue Limitations in the Section 10(b) Purchaser-Seller Requirement, Marc I. Steinberg and Antonio R. Partida
USA Insider Trading Law: Its Unacceptable Framework and a Proposed Solution, Marc I. Steinberg
Welcome and conference information, SMU
Welcome and conference information, SMU
Whom Should I Work For? Firm Characteristics and New Workers' Future Pay, Laura Yue Li and Hayoung Yoon
Wills & Trusts, Gerry W. Beyer