Content Posted in 2024
2012 Video Game Industry Litigation Review, Tanner Robinson and Max Metzler
2016, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2017, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2018, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2019, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2020, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2021, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2022, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2023, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
2024, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation
75 Years of Clinical Legal Education: Celebrating the Past While Looking to the Future, Mary Spector
A 1.1GS/s 12-bit single-channel pipelined-SAR ADC with an improved CDAC implementation and adaptive interstage redundancy, Xianshan Wen
Accounting for the Gift: Theology and Ethics in Accounting, Daniel Sebastian
Activity Map Generation and Event-Based Sensor Processing with Spiking Autoencoders and Sparse Dictionary Learning, jack easton
Adapting Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis for Next Generation Sequencing, Molly Robinson
Addressing Complications in the International Tax Regime Resulting from the Digitalization of the Economy, Nolan McCarthy
Advances in Modern Power Distribution System Planning, Operation, and Market Participation, Yanling Lin
Advancing Coupled Cluster Methods: Tensor Factorization And Analytic Gradient Implementation, Tingting Zhao
Africa, Stella Amanuel Araya, Joseph Arop, Victor Nsoh Azure, Reshma Baig, Twasiima Bigirwa, Anne Bodley, Nicolas Bremer, Michela Cocchi, D. Porpoise Evans, Sara Frazão, Angela Gallerizzo, Laverne Lewis Gaskins, Chileke Sakala, John Mukum Mbaku, Jenny Spencer Medina, Alexandra Meise, Luís Miranda, Beverly Mumbo, Connie Nawaigo, Ricardo Alves Silva, Tania Tossa, and Marc Weitz
A Hard Pill to Swallow: Privacy Implications of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Services, Varsha Challapally
Algorithmic Adjudication and Constitutional AI—The Promise of A Better AI Decision Making Future?, April G. Dawson
Analyst Forecast Bundling Intensity and Earnings Surprise, Mary E. Barth, Wayne R. Landsman, Junyoung Jeong, and Sean Wang
An Analysis of Drivers of the Federal Funds Rate, Stephen Johnson, Neha Dixit, and Martin Selzer Ph.D.
Anti-Corruption, Ann Sultan, Nicole Gokcebay, Uche Ewelukwa Ofodile, Frank Fariello, and Dmitri Lohvinski
Applying Transfer Learning and Existing EEG Datasets to Identify Patients With ALS, Nibhrat Lohia, Chris Mathew, and Garrett Shankel
Are U.S.-Listed Chinese Firms a Minefield? A Board Perspective, Chao Xi and Yurong Huang
A Review of 2009 Video Game Litigation and Selected Cases, Kent D. Workman
A Review of 2010 Video Game Litigation and Selected Cases, Jesse L. Adkins
Argentina's Looming Default: Navigating a Debt Crisis & Global Pandemic, Hank Cohen
A Role Model Among Law Professors, Randy Beck
A Spiritual Formation Ministry for Small Groups, Deborah DeFrank Tipps
Asset-Based Financing For Space Activities, Francesca Giannoni-Crystal
A Symbolic Approach to Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Ranjan Karki, Nibhrat Lohia, and Michael B. Schulte
A Texas Tradition: Analyzing Texas' Commitment to Capital Punishment, Grace E. Brandt
Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters: Tailoring Properties through Doping and Ligand Modifications, Rajamanthree Wedage Udumbara Nethmini Ariyarathna
A Triangular Relationship: Hong Kong, China and Great Britain, Mandaline Kam
A Triangular Relationship: Hong Kong, China and Great Britain, Mandaline Kam
A Tribute to James L. Walsh Distinguished Faculty Fellow and Professor Joseph Jude Norton, Harriet E. Miers
A Tribute to Lackland H. Bloom, Jr., Jeffrey D. Kahn
Autarchy and Autonomy: A Criticism of Stanley Benn’s 33 Socialization Processes, Michael Dearman
Autarchy and Autonomy: A Criticism of Stanley Benn’s 33 Socialization Processes, Michael Dearman
Back to the Future: Outer Space Policy Review of the Past for Clues to the Future, Paul B. Larsen
Bankruptcy & Commercial Law, Sally M. Henry
Baseball Decision-Making: Optimizing At-bat Simulations, Varun Gopal, Krithika Kondakindi, Nibhrat Lohia, and Morgan Williams
Bayesian and Deep Generative Modeling in Immunology, Yuqiu Yang
Bayesian Variational Inference in Keyword Identification and Multiple Instance Classification, Yaofang Hu
Best Practices: Encouraging the Modality Between Melee and Ranged Combat Styles, Austyn Wiles
Best Practices: Enhancing Narrative Communication Through Environmental Shifts, Xinyu Zhang
Best Practices for Teaching Shifting Gameplay Styles, Matthew Grabowski
Best Practices: Implementing Dense Level Design Through Reuse of Space, Shuo Zhang
Best Practices: Modulating Tension Using Contrast Lighting, Jaye Marie Williams
Best Practices: Using Semiotics in Environmental Storytelling, Conger He
Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Anomaly Detection Potentials with Federated Learning and Hybrid Transformers in Spacecraft Telemetry, JUAN RODRIGUEZ
Bigtech, Stabletech, and Libra Coin - New Dawn, New Challenges, New Solutions, G. A. Walker
Biotechnology Patent Law Top Ten of 2022: Inducement, Clear Error, and Interferences Galore, Kevin E. Noonan and Andrew W. Torrance
Blind Evaluation Framework for Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, Hunjae Lee
Book-And-Claim System For Sustainable Aviation Fuels, Christine Kranich and Sarah J. Haas
Break, Moody Hall Atrium
Break, Moody Hall Atrium
Break, Moody Hall Atrium
Breakout Session A: Data Science Methods, Moody Hall 126
Breakout Session A: Law Enforcement Data, Moody Hall 125
Breakout Session A: Non-Profit/Non-Governmental Organization Data, Moody Hall Auditorium
Breakout Session B: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Research, Moody Hall 126
Breakout Session B: Law Enforcement Research, Moody Hall 125
Breakout Session B: Non-Profit/Non-Governmental Organization Research, Moody Hall Auditorium
Bridging the Gaps: Leveraging Grassroots Data and AI to Combat Human Trafficking in the Global South, Jarrett Davis
Brown v. EMA/ESA: U.S. Supreme Court Stops California from Playing Games with the First Amendment, Christian Genetski
Building Effective Large Language Model Agents, Sydney Holder and Shreyash Taywade
Canada, Jesse Goldman, Julia Webster, and Jacob Mantle
Can China Finally Follow-Through on its Commitments, Christina Almeida
Can China Finally Follow-through On Its Commitments?
Can Criminal Defense Attorneys Be Victim-Centered?, Natalie Nanasi and Demetrice Lopez-Loftis
CECL and Bank CEO Compensation, Ilona Babenko, Benjamin Bennett, Gauri Bhat, and Todd T. Milbourn
Central/East Asia and China, Jingbing Li, Yanling Zheng, and Wesley Pang
China's Current Intellectual Property Plan, Policies & Practices
China's Global Business Perspectives and Intellectual Property
Chinese Defense Acquisition: Domestic Development, International Trade, and Foreign Relations, Tracy Nelson
Chinese Defense Acquisition: Domestic Development, International Trade, and Foreign Relations, Tracy Nelson
Chinese Intellectual Property Judges Panel
Chinese PC Gamers’ Motivation, Game Preferences, and Publishing Advice for Non-Chinese Game Companies, Jianwen Gao and Steph Buongiorno
Christian Innovation Communities: A Wicked Problem Framework For Church Innovation, Leslie Stewart
Civil Liability and Intra-Fraternal, Sexually Predatory Behavior, Gregory S. Parks and Ryan W. McKee
Civil Procedure: Pre-Trial & Trial, Amanda Sotak, Don Colleluori, and Andrew C. Whitaker
Cloud Seeding, Wildfire Smoke Emissions, and Solar Geoengineering: Why Is Climate Modification Unregulated?, Karen Bradshaw and Monika U. Ehrman
Cognitive Reappraisal is Associated with Lower Dysphoria Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Nadia Armstrong, Diane Moon, and Holly Bowen
Community Connect: A Strategy to Mitigate the Effects of Church Shopping on Small Urban and Rural Congregations, Jimmy Greene
Comparative Study On Rocking Dynamics And Energy Dissipation Of Rigid Bodies: A Microscale Framework, Idowu
Complex Patent Cases: Observations from the Bench, John D. Love, Jessica L. Hannah, and Jong K. Choi
Constraints on Solar Axions Using the Profile Likelihood Ratio Method with the SuperCDMS Experiments, Shilun Liu
Content Moderation Regulation as Legal Role-Scripting, Sari Mazzurco
Context Aware Music Recommendation and Playlist Generation, Elias Mann
Cooperative Federalism and the Digital Tax Impasse, Orly Mazur and Adam Thimmesch
Cooptation: The Backseat Driver of Competitive Communism, Candace Warner
Corporate Governance and Hedge Fund Activism, Shane Goodwin, PhD
Corporate Governance Through Social Media, Christina M. Sautter
Corporate Human Trafficking, Carliss Chatman
Correcting Federal Rule of Evidence 404 to Clarify the Inadmissibility of Character Evidence, Hillel J. Bavli
Creating Pathways for Measuring Impact, Chris Lim
Criminal Procedure: Confessions, Searches, Seizures & Suppression Issues, Honorable Barbara Parker Hervey and Carson Guy
Cross-Border Real Estate, Timur Bondaryev, Tetiana Storozhuk, and Bohdan Shmorhun
Crossing Party Lines in 21st Century Presidential Primaries
Cross-Party Voting in 21st Century Presidential Primaries: A Social and Empirical Analysis, Mark Trautmann
Crowdfunding, Mark Methenitis, Evan Fitzmaurice, Ryan Barrett, and Patrick Holleman
Cryptocurrency’s Clash with Bankruptcy: Insolvent Crypto Exchange Companies Create Difficulties for Courts & Customers, Mary Taylor Stanberry
Curiousity Killed the (Fat) Cat: Promoting Safety Over Profit in the Space Tourism Industry, Ryan Puente
Customs Law, Laura Fraedrich, Lawrence W. Hanson, Jennifer Horvath, Eduardo Gavito Diaz, Geoffrey M. Goodale, and George R. Tuttle III
Data Analysis on Predicting the Top 12 Fantasy Football Players by Position, Alan Abadzic, Jacquelyn Cheun, and Milan Patel
Data collection for understanding the dynamics and characteristics of forced child begging in Mexico City, Nicole Gallego
Data Milkshakes: The Rule of Capture and the Constitutionality of Data Mining, Bryce Pilawski
Data’s Demise and the Rhetoric of SFFA, Shakira Pleasant
Defiance, Lackland H. Bloom Jr.
Deformation Mapping and Modeling of the Aleutian Volcanoes with InSAR and Numerical Models, Jiahui Wang
Degradation Study Of Single Crystal Barium Titanate Capacitors Under Harsh Environment, Menglin Wang
Design and Fabrication of a Low Power 7.2 Terabit Transmitter for Exascale Computing, Scott McWilliams
Development Of A Nephelometer For Characterization Of Calcium Oxalate Crystal Concentrations Within Solution, Conrad Small
Dialogue Fall 2020 Front Matter, Tower Center
Dialogue: Undergraduate Journal for Political Studies Spring 2015 Volume 5, Tower Center
Dialogue: Undergraduate Journal for Political Studies Spring 2015 Volume 5, Tower Center
Dialogue Undergraduate Journal for Political Studies Spring 2016 Volume 1, Tower Center
Dialogue Undergraduate Journal for Political Studies Student Forum Volume 1 Spring 2013 Issue 1, Tower Center
Digital Distribution and Games as a Service, Marco Mereu, Patrick Hudson, Steve Nix, and J. J. Richards
Digital Distribution: Is it Really Finally Here
Discrete Element Method Investigation Of The Dynamic And Seismic Response Of Embedded Geotechnical Systems, Ahmed Khamiss and Usama El Shamy
Does Audit Partner Style Affect Financial Reporting Outcomes? Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies, Gauri Bhat, Hemang Desai, Christoffer Koch, and Erik J. Mayer
Dogs as Proxies for Forager-Farmer Interactions Along the Missouri River, North and South Dakota, Abigail Fisher
Donald Trump and the Collapse of Checks and Balances, David M. Driesen
EDTX and Transfer of Venue: Move Over, Federal Circuit - Here is the Fifth Circuit's Law on Transfer of Venue, Patrick E. Higginbotham
Effective Collaboration with Data, Typologies and Technology, Christopher Kemp and Silvija Krupena
El Dilema de la Frontera: A Case Study 91 of African Immigration in Spain, Hannah Lee Bliss and Cynthia Lashlee Warner
Emerging Technology's Unfamiliarity with Commercial Law, Carla L. Reyes
Empty State Electronics, Reza Farsad Asadi
Students for Fair Admissions Through the Lens of Interest-Convergence Theory: Reality, Perception, and Fear, Robert A. Garda Jr.
Students for Fair Admissions v. Universities for Division, Exclusion, and Inequity: The Petitions, the Arguments, and the Decision, Josh Blackman
Ending Arkansas’ First Appearance Crisis, Malia N. Brink, Pamela R. Metzger, Claire Buetow, and Terrence Cain
End to End Routing Algorithms in Arbitrary Networks, Nada Alzaben
Enhancing Customer Support Operations through GPT & Q-Learning: A Model Study, Adam Alidra, Bob O'Brien, and Dalton Young
Enhancing Imputation Accuracy: A Multi-Faceted Approach for Missing Data in Chicago Arrest Records, Steve Bramhall, Jae Chung, and Nicholas Mueller
Enhancing SHAP With Multi-Core Parallelization and Distributed Computation, matthew david, William Jones, and Hayley Horn
Enlivened Worship with the Divine: Evaluation and Innovative Application of the Liturgical Arts for Worship Renewal, Nicole Sikora Gray
Enron: Navigating the Civil Side of the Corporate Case of the Century, Diane Sumoski
Epigenomics-Based Approaches to Predict Transcriptional Regulators, Zeyu Lu
Equality, Morality, & Religious Liberty, Mitchell F. Crusto
Essays in Robust Optimization with Applications to Finance and Renewable Energy, Hao Jiang
Essays on Economic Geography, Da Li
Essays on the Application and Improvement of the Geographical Economics Models to Policy Analysis: The Case of Road Infrastructure in Central America, Ignacio Penagos
Ethics of Innovation: A Framework for Responsible Innovation Governance, Nicole Morris
Eurasia/Russia, Kimberly Reed, Elena Novikova, Ksenia Tarkhova, Anastasia Sidorenko, Diana Tsutieva, Timur Bondaryev, Oksana Karel, and Daryna Hrebeniuk
European Law, James Henry Bergeron, Serj Kiyasov, Matthew Soper, Konstantinos Tsimaras, Harry Stamelos, Valeria Camboni Miller, and Willem den Hertog
Expanding the Horizon: Blockchain Technology Beyond the Bounds of Cryptocurrency, Hassan Azhar
Experiments on Employer-Employee Relationships, Hang Chen
Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, John Boscariol, Patrick Briscoe, Jamie Brown, Sylvia Costelloe, Abigail Cotterill, Geoffrey Goodale, Timothy O'Toole, Jason Prince, Christopher Stagg, and Lawrence Ward
Facets of Experiential Avoidance and Personality as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms, Alexa Jimenez and Michael Chmielewski
Facial Recognition Technology and the Dire Need to Regulate It, Michael Mellon
Failures in the “Laboratories of Democracy” and Democratic Due Process as Constitutional Guardrails, Matthew C. Clifford and F. Paul Bland Jr.
Family Law, Joanna L. Grossman and Christine P. Leatherberry
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation for Interpreting Regional Infrasound Arrivals and Estimating Propagation Path Effects, Jesse Howard
Firm-specific Information Processing and the Delayed Discovery of Macroeconomic News: Evidence from Earnings Announcement Returns, Jing Pan, Edward Sul, and Sean Wang
Foreward, Rahfin Frank and Jaime Shin
Foreword: Artificially Intelligent Innovation and Justice, Carla L. Reyes
Forword, Tyler Anderson and Melanie Rosin
Fragmented Bodies, Lauren Careese Alexander
Franchise Law, Deborah S. Coldwell, Kristina Pierre-Louis, Wes Dutton, Sam Mallick, Alexander Clark, Wilson Miller, and Joe Pinto
Free Trade and Covid-19, Audrey McClure
From Criminalizing China to Criminalizing the Chinese, Leo Yu
From the Alhambra to the Grammar of Ornament: Materiality and Process in the Work of Owen Jones, Rebecca Kendall
Front Matter, Joseph J. Norton
Front Matter, Tower Center
Front Matter, Tower Center
Frozen II And Girls’ Spiritual Formation: How The Music Of An Animated Musical Resonates With Girls And Women, Cristen Mitchell
Future Human Trafficking Data Needs and Closing Remarks, SMU Human Trafficking Data Research (HTDR) Project Team
Game Pitches in Action, Scott Ticer, Matt Himelfarb, Zack Karlsson, and Patrick Sweeney
Game Recommendation Analysis Using Steam Profiles and Reviews, Robert Blue, Luis Garcia, and Jacob Turner
Game UI/UX Design with Original Character Concept Design and Dynamic Effects., Zhuo Dai
Generation, Dynamics, and Interaction of Quartic Solitary Waves in Nonlinear Laser Systems, Sabrina Hetzel
Generative AI Art: Copyright Infringement and Fair Use, Michael D. Murray
Geospatial Temporal Crime Prediction Using Convolution and LSTM Neural Networks: Enhancing the Las Vegas Cardiff Model, Corey D. Holmes, Christian Orji, and Chris Papesh
Glacial Erosion Rates from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present in Southern Patagonia (50°S), Anastasia Fedotova
Global Fits In The Supersymmetric Georgi-Machacek Model, Yingnan Xu
Gracious Neighbors: An Overview of Humanitarian Aid Efforts for Venezuelan Refugees in Colombia, Peter Wetherbee
Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic, Ariel Ron
Growing Tensions: Consumer Privacy and Corporate Disclosures, Megan Wischmeier Shaner
(Gun) Tag, Congress Is It!, Robert E. Wagner
HARDWARE SECURITY ENHANCEMENT OF IEEE 1687 NETWORK, Parthivi Patil, Parthivi Patil, and Parthivi Patil
Harnessing Technology to Solve Social Problems, Ian Hassell
Health Justice: Feminism, Universalism, and Vulnerability in Pandemic Response, Lindsay F. Wiley and Seema Mohapatra
Heroines From An Ancient World, Danni Liang
Hilltopics: Fall 2024, Hilltopics Staff
Hollywoodlandia: Celebrity Women, Movie Culture, And American Public Womanhood, 1916-1950, Skye Cranney
Honor Systems and Open World Activities in Red Dead Redemption II: Impact on Players with Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, Arun Kumar Kadaganchi
How to Assess Regional Trade Agreements? Deep FTAs v. China's Trade Agreements, Heng Wang
Identifying Barriers to Mental Health Services Utilization for Black Youth in the United States: A Qualitative Study, Emily Stein, Matthew Hutnyan, and Neely Myers
Improving Expressive Capacity of Deep Neural Networks, Clayton Harper
Individual Dignity as the Foundation of an Inclusive Society, Cory R. Liu and Anthony Pericolo
Infringement Episodes, Shani Shisha
In Honor of Professor Joseph Norton, Marc I. Steinberg
In Honor of Professor Lackland Bloom, Marc I. Steinberg
In Memoriam – A Tribute to Professor Joseph J. Norton, Rosa Maria Lastra
In Memoriam: Professor Joseph J. Norton, Douglas W. Arner
In Search of Guiding Principles of Transnational Anti-Corruption Investigations and Resolutions, Matthew J. Feeley
Insurance Law, J. Price Collins, Janet Tolbert, and Ashley Gilmore
Insurrection-Proofing the Courts: Judicial Tools to Protect the Legal System from Litigation Abuse in the Wake of the 2024 Election, Raymond H. Brescia
Intelligent Resource Allocation for SDN/NFV-Enabled Networks through Reinforcement Learning, Jing Su
Intelligent Solutions for Retroactive Anomaly Detection and Resolution with Log File Systems, Derek G. Rogers, Chanvo Nguyen, and Abhay Sharma
International Animal Law, Frances Arricale, Daina Bray, Paula Cardoso, Matthew Collis, Giuliana D'Esopo, Erica Lyman, Jill Mariani, Omar Andrew Nimri, Megan O'Toole, Rajesh K. Reddy, Joan Schaffner, Fawn Schanz, Susan Schwartz, and Malcolm Seheult
International Antitrust, Miguel del Pino, Elizabeth Avery, Dilys Teng, Bruno Drago, Daniel Andreoli, Fabianna Morselli, Paola Pugliese, Milena Mundim, Adam S. Goodman, Simon Kupi, Peter J. Wang, Yizhe Zhang, Peter Camesasca, Laurie-Anne Grelier, Naval Satarawala Chopra, Aman Singh Sethi, Shigeyoshi Ezaki, Vassili Moussis, Kiyoko Yagami, Naoki Uemura, Youngjin Jung, Hemi Lee, Maria Hajiyerou, Lara Granville, and Lisl Dunlop
International Arbitration, Jeffrey Rosenthal, Martine Forneret, Katerina Wright, Preeti G. Bhagnani, Eric Lenier Ives, Keara A. Bergin, Christopher P. DeNicola, Alison G. FitzGerald, Melissa S. Gorsline, Fahad A. Habib, Charles T. Kotuby, Carla Gharibian, Peter Ashford, Kate Felmingham, Hanna Abdou, Christina Nitsche, Molly O'Casey, Sergey Petrachkov, Dmitry Kuptsov, Anastasia Bekker, Mercedes Fernández, Ignacio Santabaya, Melissa Magliana, Oksana Karel, Daryna Hrebeniuk, Brenda Horrigan, Haifeng Huang, Harukuni Ito, Toshiaki Takahashi, Joyce Fong, Dan Perera, Tom Pearson, Iris Sauvagnac, Hèctor Scaianschi, James A. Egerton-Vernon, Aline Dias, Anthony Lynch, Maria I. Pradilla Picas, and Cristina Pèrez
International Art and Cultural Heritage, Nicole Y. Silver, Wendy J. Dickieson, Tess Davis, Patty Gerstenblith, and Kevin P. Ray
International Contracts, Luana Lo Piccolo, Maurizio Gardenal, Samuel G. Wieczorek, Willem den Hertog, and Anders Forkman
International Courts & Judicial Affairs, Sara L. Ochs, Haydee Dijkstal, Paula Henin, Paola Patarroyo, Katherine Maddox Davis, Kabir Duggal, Katelyn Horne, Caroline Kelly, and Michael Coffee
International Criminal Law, Timothy Franklin, Linda Strite Murnane, Momodou Manneh, and Susan Schwartz
International Energy and Natural Resources Law, Mathias Dantin, Ricardo Alves Silva, and Sara Frazão
International Family Law, Robert G. Spector and Melissa A. Kucinski
International Governance of Cryptoassets: Whether, Why, What and Who?, Gary Marchant, Jalaj Jain, Oluwasegun Muse, and Sayan Chandra
International Human Rights, Shekinah Apedo, Daniel L. Appelman, Jaclyn Fortini Laing, Corinne Lewis, Tschika McBean, and Constance Z. Wagner
International Litigation, Aaron Marr Page, Jonathan I. Blackman, Carmine D. Boccuzzi, Theodore J. Folkman, Phillip B. Dye Jr., Matthew D. Slater, Howard S. Zelbo, Igor V. Timofeyev, Charles A. Patrizia, and Joseph R. Profaizer
International M&A and Joint Ventures, Rafael Pereyra Zorraquin, Renata Antiquera, Jason Saltzman, Francisco Ugarte, José Francisco Mafla, Jörg Rehder, Ron Lehmann, Luigi Pavanello, Gianmarco Mileni Munari, Carlos Velázquez de León Obregón, Jean Paul Chabaneix, Pawel Sikora, Anton Dzhuplin, Teymur Akhundov, Anna Derbak, Dr. Nicolas Bremer, and Sergio Sánchez Solè
International Private Client, Frederick K. Schoenbrodt II and Joseph M. Erwin
International Procurement, Eric P. Roberson
International Tax, Sunita Doobay, Pamela A. Fuller, Henrique Lopes, Alexis Maguina, Robert J. Misey Jr., Luís Flávio Neto, Ricardo Rendón Pimentel, and Eva Stadler
International Trade, Shelby M. Anderson, Theodore P. Brackemyre, Tessa V. Capeloto, Cynthia C. Galvez, Valerie Hughes, Gregory C. Maddaleni, Elizabeth S. Lee, Lydia C. Pardini, John Allen Riggins, and Claire M. Webster
International Transportation Law, James Henry Bergeron, Attilio M. Costabel, James Border, Greg Maddaleni, Jay Choi, and Martin Abadi
Introduction, Jason Scott Palmer and Kimberly Y.W. Holst
Introduction and Conference Overview, Beth Wheaton-Páramo and Mateo Langston Smith
Introduction: Taking Stock of the State in Nineteenth-Century America, Ariel Ron and Gautham Rao
Investigating a Pollinator Curriculum (1-3 grade), Divya Baranwal
Investigating Converted Phases in the Midland Basin, Texas, Using Synthetic Seismograms, Julia Rosenblit
Investigation of Surface Motion with Soft Alginate Microrobots at Low Reynolds Numbers, Gokhan Kararsiz
Iran, Democracy, and the United States
Iraq, Democracy, and the United States
Is Helping You Good for Me? Associations with Giving Capitalization Support and the Moderating Role of Closeness, Samuel Molli
It Comes with Baggage: The Heavy Weight Implications of Weighing Airline Passengers, Brooke Sutter
John G. Roberts and Supreme Court Civil Rights, Sanaz Talaifar
John G. Roberts and Supreme Court Civil Rights, Sanaz Talaifar
Joseph J. Norton: Friend and Colleague, Christopher H. Hanna
Justice Rehnquist’s Original Intent: His Approach 71 in Equal Protection and Church/State, Erica Kenney
Justice Rehnquist’s Original Intent: His Approach 71 in Equal Protection and Church/State, Erica Kenney
Kenya as a Target for Al-Shabaab: A Theory for Understanding Cross-Border Terrorism, Evangeline Mathis
Keynote Panel: What in the Heck is Going On
Keynote Speech, Ted Price
Legal Threats to Game Developers, Carolyn Luedtke, Kerry Hopkins, Marco Mereu, and Jonathan Blavin
Let All The People Worship: Applying Inculturation In A Multicultural Community, Darrell St. Romain
Leveraging Transformer Models for Genre Classification, Andreea C. Craus, Ben Berger, Yves Hughes, and Hayley Horn
Liability Rules for Automated Vehicles: Definitions and Details, William H. Widen and Philip Koopman
Life Sciences & Health Law, Carly M. Toepke, Gerald P. Schneeweis, and Andrew J. Bayne
Liquidity Provision in a One-Sided Market: The Role of Dealer-Hedge Fund Relations, Mathias S. Kruttli, Marco Macchiavelli, Phillip Monin, and Xing (Alex) Zhou
Lunch Break (food provided), Moody Hall Atrium
Lunch Break (food provided), Moody Hall Atrium
Lunch Presentation, Mark Long
Making Old Things New Again: The Northridge Psalter, with Antiphons Based on Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary, Bryan Scott Page
Mark Cohen: Global Intellectual Property Ambassador, Whitney Stenger
Maximizing Legged Accelerations: A Matter of Force, Time, and Gravity, Lance Brooks
Mexico, Oliver Fernando Buenrostro Figueroa, Bárbara Ávalos García, Matías Medina Sánchez, Susan Burns, Eduardo Sánchez Madrigal, Luis Armendariz, Alan Zamarripa, Ana Sofía Villa Hernández, and Enrique García
Middle East, Kelly Blount, Howard L. Stovall, Mamoun Aidoud, Tania Tossa, Hassan Radhi, Noor Radhi, Nicolas Bremer, Joseph Busa Arop, Seyed Mohsen Rowhani, Jeremy Benjamin, Elad Sharabi, Sam Habbas, Ibrahim Sattout, Fouad Debs, Michela Cocchi, Ravinder Singh, Mansoor Malik, Khalid Rehman, Frank Lucente, Yessine Ferah, and Anne Bodley
Mixed Reality Simulations and Teacher Practice: Exploring Teacher Candidates’ Writing Instruction and Pedagogical Reasoning, Murphy K. Young
Modeling and Compensating of Noise in Time-of-Flight Sensors, Bryan Rodriguez
Modeling of Light Filamentation for Nonlinear Imaging and Waveguiding, Nicholas Bagley
Moral Agency in Flux: Rohingya Refugees Envisioning and Establishing a “Good Life” in Dallas, Texas, Nusaiba Chowdhury
Multi-Class Emotion Classification with XGBoost Model Using Wearable EEG Headband Data, James Khamthung, Nibhrat Lohia, and Seement Srivastava
Multisensory System for Probing Scattering Media, Muralidhar Madabhushi Balaji
National Security Law, Geoffrey M. Goodale, Jonathan Meyer, Mario Mancuso, Lucille Hague, Matthew O'Hare, Faith Dibble, Bonnie H. Weinstein, Sergio L. Suarez, Christopher A. Vallandingham, and Guy C. Quinlin
Navigating Passenger Compensation: Implications for Airlines and Consumers, Noor Ain
Neglected Discovery, Jenia I. Turner, Ronald F. Wright, and Michael Braun
Negotiated Case Dispositions in Germany, England, and the United States, Jenia I. Turner and Thomas Weigend
Networking Hour, Moody Hall Atrium
Neuro-Symbolic Commonsense Reasoning with Resistance to Data Poisoning: A First-Order Logic and Sub-Symbolic Embeddings Framework, Bryce Shurts and King-Ip Lin
New Improvements to Defend Against Power Analysis Attacks in IJTAG Access Protocol, Haoran Wei
No-Fault Divorce: The Case Against Repeal, Joanna L. Grossman and Elicia Grilley Green
Noninvasive Electromagnetic Biomedical Sensing, Sen Bing
North American Energy in the Crossfire, Guillermo J. Garcia Sanchez and James W. Coleman
North America's Shifting Supply Chains: USMCA, COVID-19, and the U.S.-China Trade War, David A. Gantz
Numerical Investigation Of Particle Dampers As Structural Response Modifiers, Mehrdad Karimipetanlar
Oil, Gas & Mineral Law, Austin W. Brister and Logan Jones
One Man, Two Votes: Harry Blackmun’s Federalism Shift, Brandon Bub
One Man, Two Votes: Harry Blackmun’s Federalism Shift, Brandon Bub
One Year Post-Bruen: An Empirical Assessment, Eric Ruben, Rosanna Smart, and Ali Rowhani-Rahbar
Online Gambling Policy Effects on Tax Revenue and Irresponsible Gambling, Wayne Taylor, Daniel McCarthy, and Kenneth C. Wilbur
Opening Your Door and Dinner Table As Evangelism, Gary Alan Fox
Origins of Russian Membership in the Council of Europe and the Seeds of Russia's Expulsion, Jeffrey D. Kahn
Orphans of the Orissa Famine: Capital, Charity, and Coercion in the Missionary System, Sarah Mende
Panel: Legal Issues in Digital Distribution
Panel: The Future of Digital Distribution
Participation in the Martyred Christ: Augustine of Hippo on Martyrdom and Martyr Veneration, Matthew Esquivel
Partnership Law, Troy Christensen, Jeff Dorrill, Matthew Schindel, Madeline Ballard, and James Barnett
Paying and Playing, Mark Methenitis, Marco Mereu, Pietro Macchiarella, and Steve Nix
Personalization: University Fundraising, Jasmine O'Neal, Akib Hossain, and Yogesh Bhalerao
Plenty Good Room: Using Negro Spirituals to Bridge the Racial Divide, Darnell Allen St. Romain
Potential Benefits of The Campus Outdoor Built Environment On Student Stress, Leading to Improved Retention, Kevin Dilliard
Predicting Biomolecular Properties and Interactions Using Numerical, Statistical and Machine Learning Methods, Elyssa Sliheet
Predictive Analysis of Local House Prices: Leveraging Machine Learning for Real Estate Valuation, Joey Hernandez, Danny Chang, Santiago Gutierrez, and Paul Huggins
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Minimizing the Cost of Recidivism, Adreana Julander
Preempting the Buzz: Challenges for State and Local Regulation of Drone Noise, Daniel Friedenzohn and Trevor Simoneau
Preface: An Homage, Elan Wilson
President Rutherford B. Hayes and Gilded Age Politics, Kelsey Smith
President Rutherford B. Hayes and Gilded Age Politics, Kelsey Smith
Press Freedoms Under Pressure: Clinical Perspectives on the State of Press Freedoms in Texas in 2024, Peter B. Stefensen and Thomas S. Leatherbury
Preventing Intimate Image Abuse Via Privacy-Preserving Credentials, Janet Zhang and Steven M. Bellovin
Privacy Law’s Role in an Information Economy, Sari Mazzurco
Privacy: Problems and Solutions
Probabilistic Machine Learning: New Frontiers for Modeling Consumers and their Choices, Ryan Dew, Nicolas Padilla, Lan E. Luo, Shin Oblander, Asim Ansari, Khaled Boughanmi, Michael Braun, Fred M. Feinberg, Jia Liu, Thomas Otter, Longxiu Tian, Yixin Wang, and Mingzhang Yin
Professional Liability, Josh Sherman and Abbie Baker
Professor Joseph J. Norton: Distinguished Scholar, Outstanding Teacher, Exceptional International Lawyer, and Mensch, Werner F. Ebke
Proposed Methodologies to Cure the No-Fly List’s Current Violations of the Due Process Clause for Affected U.S. Citizens, Sierra Stone
Prospect and Refuge: Modulating Level Pacing Through Spatial Composition, Yifan Li
Protecting “No Surprises” Journalism: Why Courts Should Preserve the Actual Malice Privilege for News Media that Include the Subject’s Response to Allegations of Misconduct, Zachary R. Cormier
Protect Trans Kids: A Call to Action, Suzi Goebel
Queerform/ing, Matthew Solon-Lee Weimer
Race Preferences, Diversity, and Students for Fair Admissions: A New Day, a New Clarity, Maimon Schwarzschild and Gail Heriot
Racial Classifications in Higher Education Admissions Before and After SFFA, David E. Bernstein
Radical Explorations Of Radical Empiricism: William James’s Transmissive Theory Of Mind In The Context Of Visionary Experience, Rita Spellman
Radon Plate-out and the Effects of Airflow and Electric Charge for Dark Matter Experiments, Faith Fang
Raising the Bar in Child Welfare Law, Diane M. Sumoski
Real Property, J. Richard White and Amanda Grainger
Reconciling Domestic Violence Protections and the Second Amendment, Natalie Nanasi
Reconstructing Hope and Resilience Among Kenyan Adolescent Immigrants, Julius Mwangi
Red-Handed: Assessing the Deptha of Chinese Economic Espionage, Alexander Hoskins
Red-Handed: Assessing the Deptha of Chinese Economic Espionage, Alexander Hoskins
Reevaluating Texas Energy Market Forecasts in The Wake of Recent Extreme Weather Events, Robert A. Derner, Richard W. Butler II, Alexandria Neff, and Adam R. Ruthford
Registration, Moody Hall Atrium
Registration, Moody Hall Atrium
Regulation and Function of mec-2 Alternative Splicing in Single Cells, Canyon Calovich-Benne
Regulatory Technology (Regtech) - Construction of a New Regulatory Policy and Model, G. A. Walker
Remote Court Hearings (Past, Present, and Future): Arizona’s Next Steps for a New World to Enhance Access to Justice, Samuel A. Thumma and Marcus W. Reinkensmeyer
Repealing No-Fault Divorce Would Harm Survivors of Domestic Violence in Texas, Judge Elmo B. Hunter Legal Center for Victims of Crimes Against Women
Restoring the Economic Interest Standard in the Taxation of Mineral Resources, Barksdale Hortenstine, Gary R. Huffman, and J. Andrew Miller
Retail Landscape Changes May Affect Kroger-Albertsons Deal, Ed Fox, Emily Cotton, and Laura O'Laughlin
Rethinking Retrieval Augmented Fine-Tuning in an evolving LLM landscape, Nicholas Sager, Timothy Cabaza, Matthew Cusack, Ryan Bass, and Joaquin Dominguez
"Reverse Divisibility" and "Subsequent Modification": Expanding the Scope of Justified Non-Performance in Multiple Contract Situations, Gregory S. Crespi
Reversing Cancer Multidrug Resistance in vitro, Jesiska Lowe
Reversing Grutter, Lackland H. Bloom Jr.
Revoking Trademark Consent: Can It Be Done?, Keegan Pearl
Revolutionizing Justice: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence, Samuel D. Hodge Jr.
Rifles and Rivals: A Study of the Domestic Effects on American Military Policy, Rachel Warren
Roberts Rules of (Dis)Order: Doctrinal Doublespeak on Affirmative Action and Stare Decisis, Vinay Harpalani
Route Competition In Hong Kong's Aviation Industry, Yizhang Qiu and Sinchit Lai
Rowling Record 2023-2024, The Robert B. Rowling Center for Business Law & Leadership
Russia in the Council of Europe: A Difficult Relationship, Jeffrey D. Kahn
Russia, Ukraine, and the Challenge of Wartime Accountability, Jeffrey D. Kahn
Salt & Sand: Deep History in the Permian Basin, Austin Miller
Scale of Harm: Estimating the prevalence of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines, Ben Brewster
School Leaders Supporting Undocumented Asian and Black Students, Lorena Tule-Romain
Scientific Context, Suicide Prevention, and the Second Amendment After Bruen, Eric Ruben
Sci-Fi Character Creation with Focus on Multi-Limb Rigging and Visual Effects, Haoxiang Sun
Section 363 Sales and Their Blind Faith in the Markets, Jacob DeSelms
Sentencing in an Era of Plea Bargains, Jeffrey Bellin and Jenia I. Turner
Sequential Product Innovation: The Role of Operational and Development Flexibility, Sreekumar R. Bhaskaran, Ankur Goel, and Karthik Ramachandran
Series Aperture Coupled Fed Phased Array Antenna, Guang Yang
Sex Education Policy Compared in Denmark and the United States
Sex Education Policy Compared in Denmark and the United States, Mary Katherine Shoemaker and Kathleen Strauss
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Mark E. Wojcik
Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kate Schaible
Shipwrecked Spaceship with Undersea Overgrowth and Dynamic Weather System, Konstantine Soldatos
Singing Unity—Performing Ecumenism: Musicking and Ecumenical Prayer Through the Lens of Performance Studies, David James Anderson
Slavery in the Taney Court An Examination of the Personal Views of the Justices and their Influences on the Justices' Opinions, A.J Jeffries
SMU Human Trafficking Data Research (HTDR) Project, Beth Wheaton-Páramo and Mateo Langston Smith
Social Gaming Legal Issues' Impact on Creative, Development, and Business Success, Richard Hilleman, Joseph Olin, Tom Mustaine, and Carolyn Hoecker Luedtke
Socially Acceptable Securities Fraud, Christine Hurt
Social Priorities, Institutional Quality, and Investment, Amar Gande, Kose John, Guanmin Liao, Lemma W. Senbet, and Xiaoyun Yu
Social Support and Wellbeing Among Latinx Latter-day Saints in Dallas, Texas, Elizabeth Bingham Thomas
Solar Car Radio Control Car Curriculum (9-10 grade), Divya Baranwal and Ashish Gandhi
South Asia/Oceania & India, Kavita Mohan, Aseem Chawla, Kriti Jaiswal, Tushar Rustgi, Jonathan Blank, Namrata Patodia Rastogi, Arshad Paku Khan, Ebaad Nawaz Khan, Arunabh Choudhary, Aditi Joshi, Rishabh Rela, Amit Gupta, and Katherine Maddox Davis
Space Mining, Isabelle M. Thibault
Space ‘Tourism’: a Framework for Ensuring ‘Safe and Orderly Development’ Lessons Learnt from the U.S. and Aviation, Sarah J. Fox
Stability of the Chinese Government, Fairooz Adams
Statistical Approaches For The Early Detection Of Colorectal Cancer Using Longitudinal Biomarkers, Emily Berry
Stress-Induced Oxytocin Reactivity as a Predictor of Daily Support Seeking After Stress, Cecile Sunahara
Student Race, School Police, and the School-To-Prison Pipeline: Mixed Evidence of Indirect Pathways, Michael Heise and Jason P. Nance
Supporting Service Composition through Service Usage-based Recommendation, Xihao Xie
Survey of Recent Mandamus Decisions of the Texas Supreme Court, Honorable Douglas S. Lang
Taking Aim at Family Violence: A Report on the Dallas County Gun Surrender Program, Laura Choi, Rachel Elkin, Monica Harasim, and Natalie Nanasi
Taxing Composite Transactions, Emily Cauble
Testing a Theory of Strategic Multi-Product Choice, Ed Fox and John Semple
Texas Gothic, Taryn Uribe Turner
Texas’s Water Future: Legal, Business, Environmental, and Regulatory Concerns, Robert Royce
Text and Commentary: Jewish Identity in Beryl Korot's Video Art, Emma Woods
The America Invents Act: A Brave New World of Patent Laws and Procedure, Nathan Kelley, Marc Hubbard, Colin Cahoon, and Sarah Tran
The Art of the Deal, Scott Ticer, J. Holt Foster, Zack Karlsson, and Patrick Sweeney
The Blessed Assembly: Irreplaceable Physical Co-presence in Worship and Healthy Hybridity Reimagined after the Pandemic in the Digital Age, Yvette, Ying Wai Lau
The Bridwell Quarterly. Issue 19, Spring 2023, Michelle Ried
The Bridwell Quarterly. Issue 20, Summer 2023., Michelle Ried
The Bridwell Quarterly. Issue 21, Fall 2023, Michelle Ried
The Bridwell Quarterly. Issue 22, Winter 2024, Michelle Ried
The Bridwell Quill. Issues 57-59: An Island Without Butter, Anthony Elia
The Bridwell Quill. Issues 60-62: Land of Books & Oranges, Anthony Elia
The Bridwell Quill. Issues 63-64: Theatres of the Absurd, Anthony Elia
The Bridwell Quill. Issues 65-68: Negotiating Traditions, Anthony Elia
The Case Law Of The Court Of Justice Of The EU On Art. 17 Of The 1999 Montreal Convention: An Evaluation From A Comparative Perspective, Michael Chatzipanagiotis
The Chemistry of Heavy Elements: Probing Relativistic Chemical Bonding, Barbara Maria Teixeira Costa Peluzo
The Confrontation Clause & State Action, John L. Watts
The Death of the Evolving Standards of Decency, Meghan J. Ryan
The Difference a DA Makes, Victoria Smiegocki, Shem Vinton, and Pamela R. Metzger
The Dynamic Response and Damage Evolution of High-Strength Concrete, Mohamed Abbas
The EDTX and Local District Courts: Advancing or Stifling Innovation, Phillip B. Philbib, Bart Showalter, Mike Crowley, and Michael W. Shore
The Effect of Court Rulings on Business Development
The Emerging Constitutional Law of Remote Criminal Justice, Jenia I. Turner
The Environmental Citizen: Participant and Problem, Monika U. Ehrman
The EU-ASEAN Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (2022): From Regional to Inter-Regional to Global?, Jae Woon Lee, Antigoni Lykotrafiti, and Máté Gergely
The Evolution of Retail Formats: Past, Present, and Future, Dinesh K. Gauri, Rupinder Paul Jindal, Brian T. Ratchford, Edward Fox, Amit Bhatnagar, and Aashish Pandey
The Fall of Z-Library: The “Burning of the Library of Alexandria” or Protection for Authors Against AI Companies, Lisa Silveira
The Federal Circuit and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, David O. Taylor
The Game-Changer: Legal Issues Surrounding Wearable Technology in Sports, Jack Vande Berg
The Geology And Geochemistry Of The Western Iron Ore Group Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India, JORDAN WRIGHT
The History and Development of the EDTX as a Court with Patent Expertise: From TI Filing, to the First Markman Hearing, to the Present, Xuan-Thao Nguyen, David Folsom, T. John Ward, and Leonard Davis
The Impact of International Human Rights Legislation: 111 Arab Nations and Their Compliance with the ICCPR, Gareth Riley-Ayers
The Impact of International Human Rights Legislation: 111 Arab Nations and Their Compliance with the ICCPR, Gareth Riley-Ayers
The Incongruence Principle of Evidence, Hillel J. Bavli
The Incorporation of the Bill of Rights: After 1947, Amanda Koons
The Incorporation of the Bill of Rights: After 1947, Amanda Koons
The Irony of British Human Rights Exceptionalism, 1948–1998, Jeffrey D. Kahn
The Islamic State and its Battle for Iraq, Sumer Wacthendorf
The Islamic State and its Battle for Iraq, Sumer Wacthendorf
The Jury in the EDTX: Unsophisticated American Peers or Idealists of Property Rights in Patents, Beth Thornburg, Michael Smith, Robert Conklin, and Andrei Iancu
The Law & the Future of Gaming, Jeff Becker, Roxanne Christ, and John Cabeca
The Money War: Democracy, Taxes and Inflation in the U.S. Civil War, Ariel Ron and Sofia Valeonti
The Myth of Children’s Online Privacy Protection, Stacey B. Steinberg
The Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), Trey Proffitt
The Operation of Supervisory Colleges in EU Banking Supervision: A Case Study of Soft Law Becoming Hard Law, Duncan Alford
The Patterns and Structures of Information Technology Departments in Higher Education, Curt Herridge
The Perilous Focus Shift from the Rule of Law to Appellate Efficiency, Elizabeth Lee Thompson
The Post-Racial Deception of the Roberts Court, Cedric M. Powell
The President’s Criminal Immunity, Amandeep S. Grewal
The Quad (The 2023 Alumni Magazine), Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law
The Quad (The 2024 Alumni Magazine), Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law
The Relationship Between Force Majeure Clauses and the Excuse Defenses, Gregory Crespi
The Resurgence of State-Owned Enterprise in China under XI Jinping, MacAllister Hogan
The Taxation of Robots and Its Global Challenges, Orly Mazur
The Tissue-Specific Role of smn-1 in C. elegans, Lindsey Philips
The Trilogy of Personal Jurisdiction and the Importance of Ford, Jonathan M. Hoffman, Michaela Cloutier, and Jason Proctor
The U.S.-China Audit Oversight Dispute: Causes, Solutions, and Implications for Hong Kong, Robin Hui Huang
The U.S. Public Education Systems' Failure to Accurately Educate Students on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflcit, Sanaa M. Ghanim
The Vision and Inception of the Legal Aid Clinic at SMU School of Law, Amy Kearney
The Wages of Hitching Wagons, Thomas B. Bennett
The Year in Video Game Law, W. Keith Robinson and Xuan-Thao Nguyen
The Zeal of the Intifada, Shervin Taheran
The Zeal of the Intifada, Shervin Taheran
Three Essays in Macroeconomics, Yunlong Fan
Thriving in College: International, First-Generation, and Transfer Students, Hannah Webb, Nikita Kulkarni, and Dustin Grabsch
Tools for Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation, Xin Yang
Tort Claims Arising From Military Aircraft Crashes Are Not Preempted By The Federal Aviation Act, Timothy A. Loranger and Crawford Appleby
Trans-formation: Establishing Interdisciplinary Support for the Transgender Experience Through Historical, Biological, and Religious Lenses, GayMarie Vaughan
Treaties Establishing ICAO And IMO – A Comparative Study, Ruwantissa Indranath Abeyratne
Tribalism and Customary Practices of the EDTX, Debra Lyn Bassett, Samuel F. Baxter, Otis W. Carroll, and Michael E. Jones
Tribute to Professor Joseph Jude Norton, Ross P. Buckley
Tribute to Professor Lack Bloom, David O. Taylor
Tribute to Professor Lackland H. Bloom, Jr., Jason Bloom
Two Constructions of Liberty: Hugo Black's and Robert Jackson's Stances on Free Speech, Adam Mueller
UAV-X Communication: Empirical Characterization and Performance Optimization, Muhammad Hashir Syed
Unconscionability and Poverty, Mark G. Kelman
Uncovering Elon's Data Empire, Carliss Chatman and Carla L. Reyes
Uncovering Patterns and Policy Insights in Human Trafficking: A Multi-layered Approach Utilizing Publicly Available Data, Annamaria Szakonyi
Unified in Christ, David Morris
Unified Philosophy for Music Therapy: Solving the Identity Crisis Through Interdisciplinary Analysis, Janice Lindstrom
Unlawful Seizure: The Legal Implications Of Russia’s Re-Registration Of Leased Aircraft, Matthew Ormsbee
Unlikely Partners: A Practical Theology of Faith Based Partnerships, Allen T. Stanton
Unveiling New Realms: Enhancing Procedural Narrative Generation and NPC Personalization using AI, Tanishq Chawla
Unveiling the Dark Side of Innovation: Sustainability, Cobalt Mining, and Modern-Day Slavery, Kaitlin Schleich
Unveiling the Nexus of Cellular Quality Control: Exploring the Interplay Between Ribosome-Associated Protein Quality Control and Mitochondrial Quality Control Pathways, Foozhan Tahmasebinia
U.S. Africa Command & Security Assistance to Fragile States, Joseph Kinyanjui
Using 'Enacted Purposes' to Interpret a Regulatory Statute, Bernard S. Sharfman
Using Graph Theory to Create a 3D Miniscaped, Non-Linear Level, Donghua Li
Using Multi-staged Puzzles to Improve Backtracking in Level Design, Yufei Tian
Using Push and Pull Principles to Improve Non-Linear Level Navigation, Aiwen Zhang
Using Research and Data in Video Game Legal Matters, Erik Brudvig
Using Spatial Composition to Influence Player Tension, Canny Yuan
Utilizing health data to combat human trafficking: an epidemiologic perspective of data opportunities and challenges, Martha Felini
Utilizing Valence Theory to Influence Player Navigation in First-Person Shooter Multiplayer Maps, Yousha Qu
Variability in Northeastern Early Paleoindian Period Basecamps: Implications for the Peopling of New Landscapes, Anne Parfitt
Vertebrate Paleontology Of The Koum Basin, Northern Cameroon, And Archosaurian Paleobiogeography In The Early Cretaceous, John DeForest Congleton Jr.
Volume 8, Issue 1 Front Matter, Joshua Ange
Volume 8, Issue 2 Front Matter, Joshua Ange
Welcome, Moody Hall Auditorium
What Is This Place: Encountering the Body of Christ in Prison and Church through Sacrament and Ritual Musicking, Bryan Black
When Hay Was King: Energy History and Economic Nationalism in the Nineteenth-Century United States, Ariel Ron
Wills & Trusts, Gerry W. Beyer
Wireless Power Transfer Using Cavity with Height Discontinuities, Linsheng Zhang
Wither Japan?, Matthew Reitz
Women's Interest Network, Dana Katz Ed., Lisa Savitt Ed., Hannah Alderks, Marie Elena Angulo, Melodie K. Arian, Michela Cocchi, Estefanía Díaz González, Haydee Dijkstal, Angela M. Gallerizzo, Dolly Hernandez, Kristina J. Holm, Elisa Kim, Christine Korper, Molly O'Casey, Sierra Paola, Sandhya Taneja, and Leanna R. E. Torres
Wrangling Pelicans: Military Life in Eighteenth-Century Spanish Texas, Timothy Seiter
Write It Out: How Does Journaling Positive And Negative Experiences Impact Borderline Personality Traits Over Time?, Sierra Rufino